Friday, April 10, 2015

CANADA MILITARY NEWS: Yemen proves this is not our war and we must stop coddling political bullshit of USA and UN/NATO indifference 2 extermination of Islam people- our troops matter dammit - GETCHA CANADA ON - it's time Canadians hugged our troops and kids and kicked all politicians in the arse- the world is going 2 hell and Canada media and politicians are playing me, me, me.... get rid of the lot o them - we're better than this Canada./APRIL 11, 2015- JUST IN- And soon enough... coming 2 a country near u... Are we watching the opening act of an Islamic world war?

O Canada - Classified




CANADA MILITARY NEWS: Indifference and Silence kill more people than any war/2days shame -World Ruler Obama makes deal with Iran on nukes and then turns around and sends warships 2 help Saudi blow up Yemen which Iran defends???

Canada must step away from the Obama and the Bush and the UN and IMF and the disgraceful betrayal of the world's people when politicians and $$$$ hijack our planet....   our troops matter way 2 much.... the best hour spent... and the feeling of betrayal.... love u Neda - and Raif- but Canada... the world is going batshit.... and we need 2 leave and just be Canadians  and heal each other and our troops..imho.


IRAQ WAR- WAS A WAR OF CHOICE...... 2003-  this is why we have ISIS


Friday, January 2, 2015
DENVER UNIV VIDEO: The ISIS Crisis, Iran's Policy Towards Iraq & Syria & Saudi Arabia
Joel Wing 8:51 AM

Published on Dec 23, 2014
A lecture by Mohsen Milani, with discussant Amb. Christopher Hill, framing the escalating conflict with ISIS/ISIL within the Iranian perspective and its regional geopolitical rivalry with Saudi Arabia. Hosted by the Josef Korbel School of International Studies' Center for Middle East Studies on November 11, 2014.

Mohsen Milani is the Executive Director of the Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies and Professor of Politics at the University of South Florida. He has served as a research fellow at Harvard, Oxford, and Foscari University (Italy).

His book "The Making of Iran's Islamic Revolution: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic" (Second Edition) has been used as required reading in universities in the US, Canada, Europe, Japan, and Iran. He is currently at work on a book about Iranian foreign policy.

Ambassador Christopher Hill is the Dean of the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. Former US Ambassador to Iraq, he is a columnist for Project Syndicate and the author of the memoir "Outpost: Life on the Frontlines of American Diplomacy."

----------------------- - Cached - Similar
11 Sep 2011 ... The Taliban government in Afghanistan offered to present Osama bin Laden for a trial long before the attacks of September 11, 2001, but the ...


Passion, Compassion and love of our beautiful Canada, our peoples and our nice ways- gives us, this beautiful and glorious young nation - PASSION AND LOVE

The continuing extermination of Islam by Islam must stop being the world's problem- it's time Islamic nations talked- TIRED OF USELESS POLITICIANS AND DANCING PROTESTERS ABUSING OUR TROOPS- OUR CHILDREN.... get ur f**king act 2gether as nations and Islamic Persians Iran and Arabs Saudi blah, blah, blah... stop destroying your world.... our troops and our world deserves better. God bless our Canada- and all Canada's political parties carry the shame (each of  personal political party agendas matter/ed more 2 them than our troops- the only one who ever gave a sheeet was Peter MacKay and every boots on the ground in Afghanistan knew it)- YEMAN SLAPS THE WORLD IN THE FACE OF REALITY! Shame- imho.


CANADA- emily carr- native war canoe


  Afghanistan's election in April 5, 2015 was the greatest victory of humankind, courage, bravery and freedom of a beautiful people loved dearly by boots on the ground Nato troops/Aid/Diplomatic and Afghan troops and Policing-  AFGHANISTAN WOMEN STEPPED UP IN THE MILLIONS STOMPING ON THE FACE OF EVIL BABY KILLING TALIBAN MACHINE AND HORRIFIC WEATHER.... and voted all across Afghanistan-  that is the day that the world won the greatest humanitarian war many have ever seen and healed many of September 11, 2001-  and bin Laden betrayal of the Islam Faith and good Islam people... with his death.


Canada's April 9th Vimy Ridge Day

Proud Canadian Soldier- 2007- written by Canadian College in honour of 4 Canadians killed and 3 wounded in a single day in Afghanistan- reminding them of Canada's incredible courage on the battlefield 4 freedom - and on April 5, 2015 THE WORLD STOOD IN AWE AND AFGHANS VOTED IN THE MILLIONS 4 DEMOCRACY.... against all odds from baby killing Taliban machine 2 freezing sleeting weather... they marched women, babies, mommas, grannies, grandpas, youngbloods, disabled and showed the world.... our men and women did NOT die/wounded in vain... we love our Afghanistan peoples... and so does God




Robin Williams, wearing a shirt that says “I love New York” in Arabic.
Robin Williams Peace Plan
by Robin Williams (an archive of great patriotic E-mails, 2009)
I see a lot of people yelling for peace but I have not heard of a plan for peace. So, here’s one plan:
1) The US will apologize to the world for our “interference” in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those “good ‘ole’ boys”, we will never “interfere” again.
2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East, and the Philippines. They don’t want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.
3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave. We’ll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They’re illegal!!! France will welcome them.
4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don’t like it there, change it yourself and don’t hide here. Asylum would never be available to anyone. We don’t need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.
5) No foreign “students” over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don’t attend classes, they get a “D” and it’s back home baby.
6) The U.S. will make a strong effort to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The caribou will have to cope for a while.
7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don’t like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)
8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not “interfere.” They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given to the army. The people who need it most get very little, if anything.
9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don’t need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.
10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us “Ugly Americans” any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH..learn it…or LEAVE…Now, isn’t that a winner of a plan?
The Statue of Liberty is no longer saying “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses.” She’s got a baseball bat and she’s yelling, "You want a piece of me?"
If you agree, pass this link around....






friend from USA shared this 2 enforce that real people understand that Canada is doing very, very well on renewable energy... thanks Donna

u are a child of the universe- u each matter

From a Grade IV student.... love ya honey.... and well yes- why not?


Love our Canada Olympic Superstar Clara Hughes.. and amazing everybody talking and acting on Mental Health in Canada - so many local newspapers, magazines, internet, television, specials etc.... Canada is making everyday conversation and actions of change on mental health incredible...... love u Clara honey... and thank u.... God bless our troops.


it's time 2 change our world and have fun and live and laugh and share and hug and be human and one with nature...imho..... and our troops mean the world 2 us... they are not toys 4 destruction and ignoring by political whim... like Taliban Jack days, or Paul Martin I don't give a sheeet Liberals.... or Tories indifference outside of Peter MacKay (still remember him with that 'Fly Emirates' hat in the House of Commons)


CANADA MILITARY NEWS- War is NOT 20th or this century's biggest killer of humanity- Silence, Indifference and Political $$$ is with their man made wars- IRAN AND SAUDI ARABIA HAVE DESTROYED ISLAM AND USA'S NATO OWNED UN feeds the war machine killing innocents- O Canada /WARS -IRELAND'S RELIGIOUS WARS

CANADA MILITARY NEWS- The good (Vance)...the bad (Lib. appt.McNeil's brother)... 2 the f**king ugly-IMF banks and stock markets get a pass 4 stealing $$$trillion of our money/ 6 Nations and UN shove IRAN down billions of women's throats -NEDA- #1BRising- no more excuses UN /Remember Hilary Rodham Clinton Hijacked by her own party... and other memories.... and back 2 the good- our troops and it's Easter and Christians still give a sheet and Afghanistan Voted April 5, 2014-bravest of the brave nations/Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Canada /Halifax Explosion/SHAME ON ELITES... TORONTO SYMPHONY- let Valentina Play - SHAME ON U- Ukraine's White Man's War of Nato on Russia is ugly and killing.

Canadian Please


CANADA MILITARY NEWS: June26- Come Visit Nova Scotia-history-culture- Music-jazz,blues,hiphop/rap, folk, humour,country, kitchen-check out r cultures-the fun 4 all ages n disabilites-Mi’kmaq,Black Loyalist, French Acadians,Scots,Irish,China,India,Japan,Jamaica,German,Dutch-200 cultures-come visit


CANADA AND RUSSIA HAVE PRICKLY STRONG RELATIONSHIP OF RESPECT- Did ya know Canada declared war on Russia -January 11, 1914, Vilhjalmur Stefansson?/IDLE NO MORE CANADA/ Terry Fox AND OUR SOCHI WINTER PARALYMPICS 2014 IN MOTHER RUSSIA WILL GO AHEAD- we all need dreams/Canada's Wars/ARCTIC/NORAD/EU is no better than Russia - let Ukraine decide and Crimea leave if they want- Canada needs 2 protect women and children we are afraid in our nation- get back 2 basics/2wolves hate and love..who will u feed



UNDERSTANDING CHINA- UNDERSTANDING UK- UNDERSTANDING HONG KONG- British Rule never allowed Hong Kong 2 democratically elect their leaders- China is saying the same thing... so in that effect - treaty of 1997 is not broken- how can it be- DEFENDING HONESTY IN A WAY2DISHONEST WORLD- China celebrates a glorious day- and they should- it's working/Canada celebrates glorious days- and we should -check the facts ma'am -Sino-British Joint Declaration- history of British Rule- Hong Kong is the global bank


Clara Hughes CANADIAN OLYMPIAN- Finishes Bike Ride -July 3 update-from the mouths of the children- JUNE 26 UPDATE- CANADA DAY'S COMING-JULY 1- GET UR CANADA ON -4 CANADA OLYMPIAN CLARA HUGHES BIG RIDE 4 MENTAL HEALTH FOLKS- send her tweets of support and love- Hey it’s Canada –Mental Health matters. NEWS UPDATES-Teen/Youth/PTSD/Abuse/Bullying stuff /Our Olympian Clara's completes journey 4mentalheal-let's talk-July 1- Clara's in Ottawa CANADA DAY 2014/SEPT 24 NS RCMP- preventing violent encounters -respect homeless and psychiatric problems DO LIST


women in politics.... Canada and the West needs 2 do better... look at this find from 2007-8


HILLARY BETRAYED-SARAH RIDICULED-MAY IGNORED-TZIPI LIVNI OVERLOOKED-. YEAR 2008- Shania Twain fan tells it like it was in year 2008 and political betrayal of women candidates- women/girls f**king matter- #1BRising- TELLING OF CBC AND ETCH A SKETCH JOURNALISTS OF 2 MANY MAINSTREAM ELITE GROUPIES- WHO ROUGHSHOD OVER ONE PARTY 4 ANOTHER - TRUTH DON'T MATTER...2 sides of the story died with 'just the facts please- just the news...period.- imho April 2015/Afghanistan women rose up and shook the world voting April 14, 2014 for freedom in the face of horrific child killing monsters among them Taliban /Mike Duffy only journalist 2 support Elizabeth May


Canada's Shania Twain wrote Black Eyes, Blue Tears back in the 90s.... and put it 2 music and played it around the world.... Shania kicked country music's ass and the black hats... and woke the world up 2 girls count... girls are equal and ... girls can do anything they dream on.... Shania Twain was adopted when she was 2 by Objiway Gerry Twain (she adored her Grandpa Twain) who adored his wife, Sharon. Shania grew up in the 'Reserves, Bands' of First Peoples of Canada - 10,000 years of history and knew exactly what it was like 2 live in poverty, despair and the injustice of the horrible treatment of Canada's First Peoples as all Governments of Canada and all politicial stripes- throwaway trash..... and way 2 often among her own peoples-   the abuse among First Peoples is horrendous second only 2 the horrific CHILDREN OF THE SECRET.
Shania Twain is a hero to so many women globally.... and has over one billion fans.... shania walked the talk and kept her soul, her honour and the respect of herself and her fans.... 

Shania started food banks at all her shows, including kids from each and every town, supported and played 4 troops be4 it became noticed, and said - feed your own kids first and those of your communities, villages and cities-  4God's sake look after ur kids..... Shania is one of China's favourite artists-  and one of the world's   - Shania made women matter and girls believe in empowerment of education and freedom... and equality....

Black Eyes-Blue Tears- Shania Twain

"Black Eyes, Blue Tears"

Black eyes, I don't need 'em
 Blue tears, gimme freedom
 Positively never goin' back
 I won't live where things are so out of whack
 No more rollin' with the punches
 No more usin' or abusin'

 I'd rather die standing
 Than live on my knees
 Begging please-no more

 Black eyes-I don't need 'em
 Blue tears-gimme freedom
 Black eyes-all behind me
 Blue tears'll never find me now

 Definitley found my self esteem
 Finally-I'm forever free to dream
 No more cryin' in the corner
 No excuses-no more bruises

 I'd rather die standing
 Than live on my knees
 Begging please-no more

 Black eyes-I don't need 'em
 Blue tears-gimme freedom
 Black eyes-all behind me
 Blue tears'll never find me now

 I'd rather die standing
 Than live on my knees, begging please...

 Black eyes-I don't need 'em
 Blue tears-gimme freedom
 Black eyes-all behind me
 Blue tears'll never find me now

 It's all behind me, they'll never find me now

 Find your self-esteem and be forever free to dream


APRIL 11, 2015- JUST IN-

And soon enough... coming 2 a country near u...
Are we watching the opening act of an Islamic world war?
By Jonathan Manthorpe | Apr 10, 2015 3:57 pm

Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, hold up their weapons as they attend a protest against Saudi-led airstrikes in Sanaa, Yemen, Friday, April 10, 2015. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed)
The prospect of a 1,400-year-old religious dispute turning into a region-wide Middle East war is building after Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday poured scorn on his Saudi Arabian rivals, accusing the absolute monarchy of committing genocide in Yemen.
Khamenei’s verbal bile adds rancour to what is already a proxy war across much of the Middle East between adherents of the Sunni, or traditional version of Islam championed by Saudi Arabia, and the Shiites led by Khamenei and senior Muslim clerics in Iran.
Surrogates for the two factions are already fighting in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq, where Canadian air and ground forces are in a de facto alliance with Iran, fighting the radical and murderous Sunni Islamic State group.
But Yemen is now the focus of this conflict as Saudi Arabia leads a coalition of Gulf States using air power to try to halt a drive to take over the country by Shiite Houthis, supported and armed by Iran. As well as arming the Houthis, Tehran is reported to have dispatched several thousand of its own soldiers to fight alongside its fellow Shiites. And this week Tehran added to the military build-up by sending a destroyer and supply ship to the waters off the coast of Yemen “to protect Iranian shipping from piracy.”
The World Health Organization says at least 600 people have been killed and over 100,000 displaced now that the Houthis have captured the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and are close to occupying the economically crucial port city of Aden.
In response, the Saudi coalition is contemplating a land invasion. But these plans ran into a pothole today when the Pakistani parliament voted unanimously to reject a Saudi request to send troops to join the invasion. The parliament slightly diluted its rejection by adding that if the Houthis invade Saudi Arabia and threaten the most holy Muslim sites in Mecca and Medina, then Islamabad will give Riyadh military aid.
The rejection is a blow to Saudi Arabia on two counts. Riyadh, which has an expensively-equipped army that lacks actual fighting experience (other than suppressing domestic dissent), desperately wanted contingents of battle-hardened Pakistani troops. The Pakistanis have years of experience fighting Taliban insurgent militias, much like the Houthis, in mountainous desert terrain similar to that of Yemen.
The second problem for the Saudis is access to Pakistan’s nuclear weapons. While Iran has for two decades been working to acquire the capacity to make an atomic bomb, Riyadh has regularly threatened to start its own nuclear development program, but has done nothing serious about it. The view of many outside military observers has been that Riyadh has counted on having access, if need be, to the large stockpile of nuclear weapons in predominantly Sunni Pakistan, the development of which Saudi Arabia helped finance.
open quote 761b1bPakistan’s refusal to get involved in Yemen may now prompt Saudi Arabia to embark on a nuclear development program of its own. If it does, other major players in the Middle East — such as Egypt and Turkey — may follow suit.
Pakistan’s refusal to get involved in Yemen may now prompt Saudi Arabia to review this strategy and perhaps embark on a nuclear development program of its own. If it does, other major players in the Middle East — such as Egypt and Turkey — may follow suit.
In his televised condemnation of Saudi Arabia’s actions in Yemen on Thursday, Ayatollah Khamenei also focused on the nuclear issue. His speech was his first response to the April 2 framework agreement between Tehran and the United Nations-designated P5+1 group (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France — plus Germany) on containment and international regulation of Iran’s nuclear development program.
Khamenei poured cold water on the agreement, which has been applauded by the Washington administration of President Barack Obama, and even by many people on the streets of Tehran, as a turning point in the decades-old dispute. Washington says the deal guarantees Tehran will not be able to make nuclear weapons. In return, sanctions eventually will be lifted as Tehran complies with the deal, Iran’s economy will be revived and the country will return to the community of nations.
Khamenei, however, says Tehran should only sign the deal if all sanctions currently imposed on Iran by the U.S., the UN and the European Union are lifted immediately. This is a non-starter in Europe and in Washington, where a key element in Obama’s attempts to sell the agreement is that sanctions will only be lifted incrementally as Iran’s compliance with restrictions on its nuclear program is verified.
Iran and the P5+1 group are due to meet again in June to start hammering out the details of the timetable for Iran to give up its capacity to enrich uranium to a level where it can be used to make nuclear weapons.
The parallel agenda for the withdrawal of sanctions is not the only dispute on which this whole deal could still collapse. Khamenei insisted in his speech that while officials from the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency will be allowed in, “Iran’s military sites cannot be inspected under the excuse of nuclear supervision.” Yet without inspection of military sites, the whole deal becomes nonsense.
As the proxy wars with Saudi Arabia inch closer and closer to direct conflict, Tehran is less and less likely to want to deny itself the capacity to make nuclear weapons. Not least of its worries is that, despite Iran’s significant diplomatic and military clout in the Middle East, Shiite Muslims make up only about 10 per cent of adherents to Islam. Shiites are the majority in Iran, Iraq, Yemen and some of the Gulf States, but the big legions of Sunnis are with Saudi Arabia.
The Sunni-Shiite split in Islam was born immediately after the death of founding Prophet Muhammad in 632 AD. None of Muhammad’s sons survived him, so there was an immediate dispute about who should succeed to lead the Caliphate, the political and religious government of Islam. Sunnis think that Abu Bakr, the father of Muhammad’s wife Aisha, was Muhammad’s rightful successor. Shiites believe that Muhammad divinely ordained his cousin and son-in-law Ali to be the next Caliph.
These two factions have, by and large, lived peacefully side by side for nearly a millennium and a half — but now, the forces of regional power politics have adopted this old divide as a call to battle.
Jonathan Manthorpe is the author of “Forbidden Nation: A History of Taiwan,” published by Palgrave-Macmillan. He has been a foreign correspondent and international affairs columnist for nearly 40 years. He was European bureau chief for the Toronto Star and then Southam News in the late 1970s and the 1980s. In 1989 he was appointed Africa correspondent by Southam News and in 1993 was posted to Hong Kong to cover Asia. For the last few years he has been based in Vancouver, writing international affairs columns for what is now the Postmedia Group. He left the group last year and now writes for a range of newspapers and websites.
The views, opinions and positions expressed by all iPolitics columnists and contributors are the author’s alone. They do not inherently or expressly reflect the views, opinions and/or positions of iPolitics.

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